2006年に開山500年を迎えた、岩手県陸前高田市にある曹洞宗の寺院です。 境内には岩手県指定文化財である三重塔、木造伝聖観音像、絹本著色愛染明王画像などがあり、東日本大震災の後奉納された沢山の仏像が本堂や境内各所にまつられております。夏になると岩手県指定の天然記念物サルスベリが満開になります。季節によって趣の違うお寺です。 It is the temple of the Soto sect in Rikuzentakata-shi, Iwate that greeted founder 500 years in 2006. There are the Three-story pagoda which is Iwate designated cultural assets in the precincts, Wooden statue of Kannon, Color painting on silk of Aizen Myoo (Ragaraja) portrait, and the Buddha statue that there is many it dedicated after a great earthquake disaster is worshiped in the main hall of a Buddhist temple and each precincts place. When it is summer, natural monument crape myrtles of the Iwate designation become in full blossom. It is a temple different in the attraction by a season.
tel 0192-55-2034